Android APK from other sources than Google Play Store - CHSIM
Android APK from other sources than Google Play Store - MARWIS
Brochure - Lufft - Ceilometers CHM 8k and CHM 15k
Brochure - Lufft - Cloud Height Detection (DE/EN)
Certificate IEC60825
CHM15k Lasersystem Certification
Certificate IEC61010
TÜV Certification - CHM15k, CHM8k
Connection diagram: Temperature sensor 8160.TF25S to ANACON
Connection diagram: Temperature sensor 8160.TF25S to ANACON
Dimensions for cabinet installation
Drawing / Zeichnung - Traverse
EU declaration of conformity - CHM15k
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft CHM15k
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft CHM8k
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft CHM8k
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft IRS31Pro
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft IRS31Pro
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft MARWIS and StaRWIS
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft MARWIS and StaRWIS
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft NIRS31
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft NIRS31
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft SHM31
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft SHM31
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft VENTUS
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft VENTUS
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft VENTUS-X
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft VENTUS-X
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft VS2k
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft VS2k
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft WS Family
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft WS Family
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft WS Radar
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft WS100
EU declaration of conformity - Lufft WS100
EU declaration of conformity - VS20k
EU declaration of conformity - VS20k
Firmware - Lufft - ARS31/ARS31Pro-UMB
Version 11.0
Firmware - Lufft - CHM 1.130_550
Please check compatibility via CHM web interface.
Release notes
Change overview for CHM firmware version 1.130
Changes for CHM8k: - Extension of the cloud detection algorithm to filter overflying airplanes ("jet filter"). To activate the jet filter, the parameter "CloudDetectionMode" must be set to 4, 5, 6 or 7.
Information: CloudDetectionMode algorithm types: 0 = standard algorithm 1 = hlc (higher low cloud algorithm) 2 = blc (baseline compensation algorithm, only required for CHM8k detector before 2022 (serial numbers less than DET228000)) 3 = blc + hlc 4 = jf (jet filter, only for CHM8k) 5 = jf + hlc 6 = jf + blc 7 = jf + blc + hlc
Changes for CHM15k: - Adaptation to future hardware changes to the RefLED board
Changes for CHM15k and CHM8k: - Improvements for fan control and LAN telegram processing - Bug fix: The possible incorrect shutdown behavior of the firmware since version 1.110 has been corrected.
Change overview for CHM firmware version 1.120
Changes for CHM15k and CHM8k: - First LAN telegrams are sent immediately after connection is established - Time synchronisation stabilised when using NTP (especially when using modem or poor network connection) - Ignore "Zenith" and "UseAltitude" setting in CHM test mode (for CH simulator test) - Bug fix: - Behaviour when sending LAN telegram automatically with hanging clients corrected. - Correction for storing NetCDF files on SD card - Incorrect output of visibility measurements of 0 m was corrected - Cloud detection algorithm in "CloudDetectionMode" 1 or 3 in the range 230 m to 500 m: - Output of two clouds with the same lower cloud limit corrected. - Cloud base height of weak clouds improved
Change overview for CHM firmware version 1.110
Changes for CHM15k and CHM8k: - Shutdown time of the firmware reduced to 4s - Downgrade option of firmware removed - NTP failure state (Bit 12) is no longer displayed on the red housing (failure) LED - Bug-fixes: - CHMTestMode can be switched off via web frontend even if it was started from RS485 - Parameter "rangeEnd" works for selected ranges < 6000m
Changes for CHM15k: - Correction aerosol layer detection when using the CH-simulator (bug since version 1.050)
Changes for CHM8k: - Support for different detector, Detector-dependent voltage control in "ApdControlMode" 1 and 2.
Änderungsübersicht für CHM-Firmware-Version 1.130
Änderungen für CHM8k: - Erweiterung des Wolkenerkennungsalgorithmus um überfliegende Flugzeuge zu filtern ("Jet-Filter"). Zum Aktivieren des Jet-Filters muss der Parameter "CloudDetectionMode" auf 4, 5, 6 oder 7 gesetzt werden. (siehe Tabelle oben)
Änderungen für CHM15k: - Anpassung an zukünftige Hardware-Änderung der RefLED-Platine
Änderungen für CHM15k und CHM8k: - Verbesserungen zur Lüftersteuerung und LAN-Telegramme-Verarbeitung - Bug-Fix: Das mögliche fehlerhafte Verhalten beim Beenden der Firmware seit Version 1.110 wurde korrigiert.
Änderungsübersicht für CHM-Firmware-Version 1.120
Änderungen für CHM15k und CHM8k: - Erste LAN-Telegramme wird sofort nach Verbindungsaufbau gesendet - Zeitsynchronisation bei Verwendung von NTP stabilisiert (insbesondere bei Modem-Nutzung oder schlechter Netzanbindung) - "Zenith"- und "UseAltitude"-Einstellung im CHM-Test-Mode (für CH-Simulator-Test) ignorieren - Bug-Fix: - Verhalten beim automatischen Senden von LAN-Telegramm bei hängenden Clients korrigiert. - Korrektur zur Ablage der NetCDF-Dateien auf SD-Karte - Fehlerhafte Ausgabe von Sichtweitenmessungen von 0 m wurde korrigiert - Wolkenerkennungsalgorithmus im "CloudDetectionMode" 1 bzw. 3 im Bereich 230 m bis 500 m: - Ausgabe von zwei Wolken mit gleicher Wolkenuntergrenze korrigiert - Wolkenuntergrenzen von schwachen Wolken verbessert
Änderungsübersicht für CHM-Firmware-Version 1.110
Änderungen für CHM15k und CHM8k: - Beenden der Firmware überarbeitet. (Zeit auf ca. 4s reduziert) - Downgrade von Firmware nicht mehr möglich. - NTP-Status (Status-Bit 12) wird nicht mehr über die rote Gehäuse-LED angezeigt. - Bug-Fix: - Firmware funktioniert auch mit Paramerte "rangeEnd" < 6000m - CHMTestMode ist nach Anschalten über die RS485- Schnittstelle auch über das Web-Frontend ausschaltbar
Änderungen für CHM15k: - Korrektur der PBL-Erkennung bei Nutzung des CH-Simulator (Fehler mit Version 1.050 eingebracht)
Änderungen für CHM8k: - Detektorabhängige Spannung-Regelung im "ApdControlMode" 1 und 2.
Firmware - Lufft - CHM 1.130_552
Please check compatibility via CHM web interface
Release notes
Change overview for CHM firmware version 1.130
Changes for CHM8k: - Extension of the cloud detection algorithm to filter overflying airplanes ("jet filter"). To activate the jet filter, the parameter "CloudDetectionMode" must be set to 4, 5, 6 or 7.
Information: CloudDetectionMode algorithm types: 0 = standard algorithm 1 = hlc (higher low cloud algorithm) 2 = blc (baseline compensation algorithm, only required for CHM8k detector before 2022 (serial numbers less than DET228000)) 3 = blc + hlc 4 = jf (jet filter, only for CHM8k) 5 = jf + hlc 6 = jf + blc 7 = jf + blc + hlc
Changes for CHM15k: - Adaptation to future hardware changes to the RefLED board
Changes for CHM15k and CHM8k: - Improvements for fan control and LAN telegram processing - Bug fix: The possible incorrect shutdown behavior of the firmware since version 1.110 has been corrected.
Change overview for CHM firmware version 1.120
Changes for CHM15k and CHM8k: - First LAN telegrams are sent immediately after connection is established - Time synchronisation stabilised when using NTP (especially when using modem or poor network connection) - Ignore "Zenith" and "UseAltitude" setting in CHM test mode (for CH simulator test) - Bug fix: - Behaviour when sending LAN telegram automatically with hanging clients corrected. - Correction for storing NetCDF files on SD card - Incorrect output of visibility measurements of 0 m was corrected - Cloud detection algorithm in "CloudDetectionMode" 1 or 3 in the range 230 m to 500 m: - Output of two clouds with the same lower cloud limit corrected. - Cloud base height of weak clouds improved
Change overview for CHM firmware version 1.110
Changes for CHM15k and CHM8k: - Shutdown time of the firmware reduced to 4s - Downgrade option of firmware removed - NTP failure state (Bit 12) is no longer displayed on the red housing (failure) LED - Bug-fixes: - CHMTestMode can be switched off via web frontend even if it was started from RS485 - Parameter "rangeEnd" works for selected ranges < 6000m
Changes for CHM15k: - Correction aerosol layer detection when using the CH-simulator (bug since version 1.050)
Changes for CHM8k: - Support for different detector, Detector-dependent voltage control in "ApdControlMode" 1 and 2.
Änderungsübersicht für CHM-Firmware-Version 1.130
Änderungen für CHM8k: - Erweiterung des Wolkenerkennungsalgorithmus um überfliegende Flugzeuge zu filtern ("Jet-Filter"). Zum Aktivieren des Jet-Filters muss der Parameter "CloudDetectionMode" auf 4, 5, 6 oder 7 gesetzt werden. (siehe Tabelle oben)
Änderungen für CHM15k: - Anpassung an zukünftige Hardware-Änderung der RefLED-Platine
Änderungen für CHM15k und CHM8k: - Verbesserungen zur Lüftersteuerung und LAN-Telegramme-Verarbeitung - Bug-Fix: Das mögliche fehlerhafte Verhalten beim Beenden der Firmware seit Version 1.110 wurde korrigiert.
Änderungsübersicht für CHM-Firmware-Version 1.120
Änderungen für CHM15k und CHM8k: - Erste LAN-Telegramme wird sofort nach Verbindungsaufbau gesendet - Zeitsynchronisation bei Verwendung von NTP stabilisiert (insbesondere bei Modem-Nutzung oder schlechter Netzanbindung) - "Zenith"- und "UseAltitude"-Einstellung im CHM-Test-Mode (für CH-Simulator-Test) ignorieren - Bug-Fix: - Verhalten beim automatischen Senden von LAN-Telegramm bei hängenden Clients korrigiert. - Korrektur zur Ablage der NetCDF-Dateien auf SD-Karte - Fehlerhafte Ausgabe von Sichtweitenmessungen von 0 m wurde korrigiert - Wolkenerkennungsalgorithmus im "CloudDetectionMode" 1 bzw. 3 im Bereich 230 m bis 500 m: - Ausgabe von zwei Wolken mit gleicher Wolkenuntergrenze korrigiert - Wolkenuntergrenzen von schwachen Wolken verbessert
Änderungsübersicht für CHM-Firmware-Version 1.110
Änderungen für CHM15k und CHM8k: - Beenden der Firmware überarbeitet. (Zeit auf ca. 4s reduziert) - Downgrade von Firmware nicht mehr möglich. - NTP-Status (Status-Bit 12) wird nicht mehr über die rote Gehäuse-LED angezeigt. - Bug-Fix: - Firmware funktioniert auch mit Paramerte "rangeEnd" < 6000m - CHMTestMode ist nach Anschalten über die RS485- Schnittstelle auch über das Web-Frontend ausschaltbar
Änderungen für CHM15k: - Korrektur der PBL-Erkennung bei Nutzung des CH-Simulator (Fehler mit Version 1.050 eingebracht)
Änderungen für CHM8k: - Detektorabhängige Spannung-Regelung im "ApdControlMode" 1 und 2.
Firmware - Lufft - IRS31Pro-UMB
Version 2.4
Firmware - Lufft - MARWIS / StaRWIS
Version 44
Firmware - Lufft - NIRS31-UMB
Version 29
Release notes
New Firmware V29: - Pyrometer: Interference suppression improved
- Internal parameter adjusted after hardware redesign (v28/ v29)
- ASCII Protocol: Answer time enlarged from 50ms to 500ms
Firmware - Lufft - R2S-UMB
Version 56
Firmware - Lufft - SHM31
Version 2.1
Release notes
English / Deutsch
SHM31 Firmware (c) 08/2023, OTT HydroMet Fellbach GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 20, 70736 Fellbach, Germany [email protected]
Version 2.1 (2023-07-21 - removed unused watchdog trigger - added UMB channel Reset-Counter - minor modifications of the new standard telegrams SS;2 bis SS;6
Version 2.0 (2023-06-22, not published) - ASCII2 IFO;16 over RS232 with high number of channels caused permanent failure of RS232 communication - UMB Channel request: a few channels responded with an incorrect Info field - ASCII2 DSC: Input of a description with over-length caused permanent communication failure: added length limitation in CommonLib - ASCII2 DSC: When a long text was written over by a short text, the remains of the long text remained visible - ASCII2 ATI: Setting 0 was accepted and caused blocking of the device on start of Autotransmit by data transmission without break. Minimum value of interval internally limited to 5s - ASCII2 UAA: Modification of the parameter through ASCII2 not accepted (error 15). - ASCII2: Addressing von E2 memory storage point corrected, added EE_BEGIN_CONF . OK
New funktionality: - New standard telegrams SS;2 bis SS;6 on customer request, predefinded for different units (m, cm, mm, inch). Including constant number of digits and decimal point location: Use of the Scaling Factor no longer required
Version 1.9 (2022-05-19) - solved frequent E21 and E22 errors - solved error in Modbus holding register 16
Version 1.8 (2020-05-15 14:12:16 GIT_366) NOT PUBLISHED - solved frequent E22 error (timeout Laserkommunikation) by short term command repeat on timeout (up to now only detected at end of laser interval). - Update to current CommonLib version, migration to IAR 4.11.1 - Tickcounter Overflow handling for OS_GetTime funktions - Extended Device Info
Version 1.7 (2018-17-10 16:09:13 @688) - UMB-ASCII 2.0: Output format of telegram 1 reset to original format of version 1.4.
Version 1.6 (2018-12-10 15:00:32 @685) not published - Signal strength threshold value for Snow flag adjustable - Limit values for heating temperature hysteresis corrected (no negative hysteresis) - Improvement of the laser control (no getting stuck with laser on/off and reference value determination.) - SDI12 adaptation to SDI12v1.4 - Improvement of the behaviour at high temperatures (suppression of signal strength display, switch-off of laser and heating) - Monitoring of the block temperature sensor for short circuit and breakage supplemented, switch-off of the laser in case of failure - Correction for treatment with max. snow depth difference exceeding - Laser cycles introduced for lifetime monitoring (debug UMB channel 21050, for service only)
Version 1.5 (2018-08-09 @631) not published - Modbus integration and configuration - Internal software conversion (CommonLib), ASCII telegrams are no longer sent synchronously to the calculation.
Version 1.4 (2017-05-18 10:41:13 @325) - UMB-ASCII 2.0: Output formats of telegram 1 corrected (correct output for snow depth less than 1)
Version 1.3 (2017-05-11 13:01:09 @323) - UMB-ASCII 2.0: - Output formate of telegram 1 changed (snow depth 8 characters, short serial number, angle without sign 4 characters) If the values do not fit into the specified format, the decimal places are omitted before the format length changes. - IFO-Befehl: - IFO;15 return correct values - IFO;16;<bl> activated (block size 30, 4 blocks {0,1,2,3} available)
- Parameter: - Value ranges changed: scaling_factor [0, 40000] and maximum_snowheight_difference [-20000, 20000]
Version 1.2 (2017-05-11 13:01:09 @314) - start version
SHM31 Firmware (c) 08/2023, OTT HydroMet Fellbach GmbH, Gutenbergstraße 20, 70736 Fellbach, Germany [email protected]
Version 2.1 (2023-07-21 - nicht verwendete Watchdog-Trigger entfernt - UMB-Kanal Reset-Counter ergänzt - Kleine Änderungen an den neuen Standard-Telegrammen SS;2 bis SS;6
Version 2.0 (2023-06-22 - Release nicht veröffentlicht) Bug fixes: - Ascii2 IFO;16 über RS232 bei höherer Kanal-Anzahl führte zum Ausfall der RS232-Kommunikation - UMB Kanalabfrage: bei einigen Kanälen fehlerhaftes Info-Feld in der Antwort - Ascii2 DSC: Eingabe von Bezeichnung mit Überlänge führte zu dauerhaftem Ausfall der Kommunikation: Längenbegrenzung in CommonLib ergänzt - Ascii2 DSC: Beim Überschreiben eines langen Textes durch einen kürzeren blieb der Rest des vorherigen Tests sichtbar - Ascii2 ATI: Einstellung 0 über ASCII2 wurde akzeptiert und führte beim Start des Autotransmit zur Blockierung des Geräts durch Datenübertragung ohne Unterbrechung: akzeptierter Minimalwert auf 5s geändert - Ascii2 UAA: Änderung des Parameters über ASCII2 wird nicht akzeptiert (error 15). - Ascii2: Adressierung von E2-Speicherstellen korrigiert, EE_BEGIN_CONF ergänzt: OK
Neue Funktionalität: - Neue Standardtelegramme SS;2 bis SS;6 nach Kundenanforderung implementiert - Neue Standardtelegramme für verschiedene Einheiten voreingestellt, inkl. fester Stellenzahl und Position des Dezimaltrennzeichens, Darstellung in m, cm, mm und inch. Die Verwendung des Skalierungsfaktors wird nicht mehr benötigt.
Version 1.9 (2022-05-19) - Häufiges Auftreten der Fehler E21 und E22 beseitigt - Fehler bei Modbus Holding Register 16 behoben
Version 1.8 (2020-05-15 14:12:16 GIT_366) NICHT VERÖFFENTLICHT - häufiges Auftreten des Fehlers E22 (timeout Laserkommunikation) beseitigt durch kurzfristige Wiederholung des Befehls bei timeout (bisher erst nach Ablauf des Laserintervalls erkannt). - Update auf aktuelle CommonLib, Migration auf IAR 4.11.1 - Tickcounter Overflow handling für OS_GetTime Funktionen - Extended Device Info
Version 1.7 (2018-17-10 16:09:13 @688) - UMB-ASCII 2.0: Ausgabeformat von Telegramm 1 wieder auf original Format von Version 1.4 gesetzt.
Version 1.6 (2018-12-10 15:00:32 @685) nicht veröffentlicht - Signalstärken-Schwellwert für Snow-Flag einstellbar - Grenzwerte für Heizungstemperatur-Hysterese korrigiert (keine negative Hysterese) - Verbesserung der Lasersteuerung (Kein Hängenbleiben bei Laser an-/ausschalten und Referenzwertbestimmung.) - SDI12-Anpassung auf SDI12v1.4 - Verbesserung des Verhaltens bei hohen Temperaturen (Unterdrückung der Signalstärkenanzeige, Abschaltung von Laser und Heizung) - Überwachung des Block-Temperatursensors auf Kurzschluss und Bruch ergänzt, Abschaltung des Lasers bei Ausfall - Korrektur zur Behandlung bei max. Schneehöhendifferenz-Überschreitung - Laserzyklen für Lebensdauer-Überwachung eingeführt (Debug-UMB-Kanal 21050, nur für Service)
Version 1.5 (2018-08-09 @631) nicht veröffentlicht - Modbus-Integration und -Konfiguration - Interne Softwareumstellung (CommonLib), ASCII-Telegramm werden nicht mehr synchron zur Berechnung gesendet.
Version 1.4 (2017-05-18 10:41:13 @325) - UMB-ASCII 2.0: Ausgabeformate von Telegramm 1 korrigiert (Schneehoehe fuer Werte kleiner 1 wird korrekt ausgegeben.)
Version 1.3 (2017-05-11 13:01:09 @323) - UMB-ASCII 2.0: - Ausgabeformate von Telegramm 1 korrigiert (Schneehoehe 8 Zeichen, kurze Seriennummer, Winkel ohne Vorzeichen 4 Zeichen) Wenn Werte groesser sind als vorgegebenes Format, werden erst die Nachkommestellen weggelassen, bevor sich die Laenge des Formates aendert. - IFO-Befehl: - IFO;15 liefert korrekte Werte - IFO;16;<bl> aktiviert (Blockgroesse 30, 4 Bloecke {0,1,2,3})
- Parameter: - Wertebereiche angepasst: scaling_factor [0, 40000] und maximal_snowheight_difference [-20000, 20000]
Version 1.2 (2017-05-11 13:01:09 @314) - Startversion
Firmware - Lufft - Ventus-UMB
Version 37
Release notes
V 37 ( 08.08.2022) - Bug fix: format error of channel parameter response for WMO_GUST_DIR channel, caused by missing WMO_GUST_DIR in advanced_info.c :: add_min_max()
- Manual (updated to v30): corrected transposed digits error in table 20.1, WMP_GUST_DIR line (german version)
V 36 (18.11.2021) - Selectable handling of wind direction when wind speed below minimum: set 0.0 or hold last value
- Parallel operation of Modbus and analog frequency output enabled.
- Parallel analog output operation permitted except for protocols SDI12, Clipper and fullduplex operation
- Modbus message end detection changed from 3.5char timer to length prediction
- Permit parallel operation of Modbus and analog output (except frequency output)
- Corrected buffer length and send function for Modbus-ASCII (requires 510 chars buffer length)
Firmware - Lufft - VS2k / VS20k
Version 22
Firmware - Lufft - WS100
Firmware - Lufft - WS1000
Version 11
Firmware - WSXXX
For WSXXX device versions 1 - 29 (see serial number) / Für WSXXX Geräteversionen 1 - 29 (siehe Seriennummer)
Firmware - WSXXX v70
For WSXXX device versions ≥30 (see serial number)
Release notes
OTT HydroMet Fellbach GmbH, Firmware releases WS200 - WS800 sensors ------------------------
Firmware WSx-Release v70, 17 February 2023 1. Bugfix: I2C Driver fix to avoid read problems (timing)from EEPROM 2. Feature add: fan monitoring feature added, available since hardware release 32
Firmware WSx-Rerlease v69, 23 August 2022
1. Feature add: Deactivation automatic hardware-switch for SDI12. SDI-12 protocol communication is available now in standard RS485 mode 2. Feature add: SDI12 Command aXVd! added to poll for device revision number
Leaflet - Compact weighing precipitation gauge - OTT - Pluvio² S (EN)
Leaflet - Lufft - Roadway Monitoring on Parkdecks with MARWIS
Leaflet - Precipitation gauge using the weighing principle - OTT - Pluvio² L (EN)
Lufft - Anschlussplan/connection plan - WST2 an/for ANACON (DE/EN)
Lufft - Ventus UL - Certificate (DE/EN)
Manual - Lufft - CHM 8k (EN)
Manual - Lufft - CHM Simulator (EN)
Manual - Lufft - CHM Viewer (EN)
Manual - Lufft - DACON8 - UMB (EN)
Manual - Lufft - Handheld - XA1000 XP200 XP400 (EN)
Manual - Lufft - Handheld - XC200 (EN)
Manual - Lufft - Handheld - XC250 (EN)
Manual - Lufft - Handheld - XP100, XP101 (EN)
Manual - Lufft - I - BOX (EN)
Manual - Lufft - I-BOX - Appendix - App Description (EN)
Manual - Lufft - IRS31Pro
Extended User Manual
Manual - Lufft - IRS31Pro - UMB (EN)
Core User Manual
Manual - Lufft - LCOM (EN)
Manual - Lufft - MARWIS Cloudgate BOX (EN)
Manual - Lufft - NIRS31 - UMB (EN)
Manual - Lufft - R2S UMB (EN)
Manual - Lufft - SHM30 (EN)
Manual - Lufft - SmartView3 (EN)
Manual - Lufft - UMB ASCII 2.0 (EN)
Manual - Lufft - UMB ASCII 2.0 (EN)
Manual - Lufft - Ventus V200A (EN)
Manual - Lufft - Viewmondo (EN)
Viewmondo Monitoring Software
Manual - Lufft - VS2k/VS20k (EN)
Manual - Lufft - WS3000 (EN)
Manual - Lufft ANACON (EN)
Manual - Lufft SHM31 (EN)
Manual - Lufft UMB Config Tool (EN)
Manual - Lufft UMB Protocol (EN)
Manual - Lufft WSxxx weather sensors
Core User Manual
Manual - Lufft-ARS31 ARS31Pro (EN)
Manual - Wind Sensors
Core User Manual
Manual - WS100
Core User Manual
Manual CHM15k - EN
Manual CHM15k - EN
Manual CHM15k - Hungarian
Manual CHM15k - Portugese
Manual MARWIS iOS App (EN)
Manual MARWIS iOS App (EN)
Manual OTT Pluvio² L Modbus
Manual – Instruction for Mast installation
Meteorological_Technology_International_Article (EN)
Operating Instructions - Precipitation gauge - OTT - Pluvio² L (EN)
Operating Instructions - Precipitation gauge - OTT - Pluvio² S (EN)
OTT Pluvio - Firmware V1.05.0
Firmware for Pluvio²L, Pluvio²S
Release notes
Please note: - Firmware for Pluvio²L, Pluvio²S - This firmware version is not suitable for OTT Pluvio² (former generation of devices)!
V 1.05.0 (15.07.2022) - Improved system stability to avoid unnecessary system resets - Improved SDI-12 communication. - DWD protocol timestamp bugfix. - Remove write protection from SDI-12 commands listed in manual - Various minor bugfixes and firmware optimizations - Compatible to new Pluvio processor generation (k2, k4 mainboards) that are available since July 2022.
V 1.04.0 (22.06.2021) - Field separator added when a checksum (CRC) is requested. A separator, e.g. ";" is inserted before the output of the CRC value. - Improved SDI-12 communication. This release resolves the issue with SDI-12 data gaps. - Stability of "accu RT-NRT" values improved - Various minor bugfixes and firmware optimizations - Pluvio²L: stability of temperature compensation for old mechanic (before autumn 2019) improved
V 1.03.0 (24.05.2018) - Measured value processing optimized to prevent the registration of erroneous precipitation - The "Accu total NRT" value is now automatically reset for devices for the DWD at 1000 mm/100 inch (measuring range overflow). For all other devices, this value is still 500 mm/50 inch.
V 1.02.2 (18.05.2017) - Common firmware for precipitation sensors OTT Pluvio² L and OTT Pluvio² S - Improved temperature compensation up to 10 K/h - Automatic detection for maintenance activities "Emptying the collecting bucket" and "Adding anti-freeze agent for winter operation" has been optimized - Impulse factors 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm have been added (now 0.05 mm · 0.1 mm · 0.2 mm · 0.5 mm · 1.0 mm selectable) - Various minor bugfixes and firmware optimizations
V 1.00.5 ... V 1.02.1 – Internal versions, not published
V 1.00.4 (14.04.2016)
- Initial version
OTT Pluvio - Firmware V1.06.0
Firmware for Pluvio²L, Pluvio²S
Release notes
Please note: - Firmware for Pluvio²L, Pluvio²S - This firmware version is not suitable for OTT Pluvio² (former generation of devices)! V 1.06.0 (27.06.2023) -
V 1.05.0 (15.07.2022) - Improved system stability to avoid unnecessary system resets - Improved SDI-12 communication. - DWD protocol timestamp bugfix. - Remove write protection from SDI-12 commands listed in manual - Various minor bugfixes and firmware optimizations - Compatible to new Pluvio processor generation (k2, k4 mainboards) that are available since July 2022.
V 1.04.0 (22.06.2021) - Field separator added when a checksum (CRC) is requested. A separator, e.g. ";" is inserted before the output of the CRC value. - Improved SDI-12 communication. This release resolves the issue with SDI-12 data gaps. - Stability of "accu RT-NRT" values improved - Various minor bugfixes and firmware optimizations - Pluvio²L: stability of temperature compensation for old mechanic (before autumn 2019) improved
V 1.03.0 (24.05.2018) - Measured value processing optimized to prevent the registration of erroneous precipitation - The "Accu total NRT" value is now automatically reset for devices for the DWD at 1000 mm/100 inch (measuring range overflow). For all other devices, this value is still 500 mm/50 inch.
V 1.02.2 (18.05.2017) - Common firmware for precipitation sensors OTT Pluvio² L and OTT Pluvio² S - Improved temperature compensation up to 10 K/h - Automatic detection for maintenance activities "Emptying the collecting bucket" and "Adding anti-freeze agent for winter operation" has been optimized - Impulse factors 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm have been added (now 0.05 mm · 0.1 mm · 0.2 mm · 0.5 mm · 1.0 mm selectable) - Various minor bugfixes and firmware optimizations
V 1.00.5 ... V 1.02.1 – Internal versions, not published
V 1.00.4 (14.04.2016)
- Initial version
OTT_Pluvio² L_Declaration_of_Conformity_DE_EN_FR
OTT_Pluvio² S_Declaration_of_Conformity_DE_EN_FR
Quickstart - Lufft - CloudGate - Gateway for MARWIS (DE/EN)
Quickstart - Lufft - StaRWIS - Road Sensor (DE/EN)
Quickstart - Lufft - VS2k/VS20k - Visibility - Sensor (DE/EN)
Road Weather Maintenance Checklist
Road Weather Maintenance Checklist
RoHS - Declaration of Conformity / Konformitätserklärung - MARWIS / StaRWIS
RoHS - Declaration of Conformity / Konformitätserklärung - VENTUS
Software - CHSIM v1.2.1
Software - CHSIM v1.2.1
Release notes
-API update for compatibility with Android 12 and 13
- Cloud parameter calculation reworked
- Fixed crashes on some devices
-Support and presets for 8k simulator added
- Support for imperial units added
- Sum of cloud height and depth limited to 15000m
- Sum of cloud height and depth is at least 300m
- Cloud height and depth is at least 100m
- Expert mode is visible setting
- Show LED board temperature
- Checkboxes for freerun mode hidden for customers
- Checkboxes for freerun mode added to extended screen
- Fix in firmware update dialog
- Fix in Dialog to enable Bluetooth
- Dialog to enable Bluetooth added
- API updates for compatibility with Android 6, 7, 8 and 9
- Extensive UI simplified. There are now available only predefined presets the can be selected. It is no longer possible to set a specific value. Hence the expected cloud properties are now specified., including PBL value.
- Some icons corrected and updated
- First App-Store release
- Firmware info dialog added inside app setting
- Setting to activate/deactive Status-LED removed
- Small bugfixes
- Added Pulse-Frequency measurement
- Minimum sum of height and thickness restricted to 300m
- First Version
Software - Lufft - ConfigTool .NET
Version 1.6
Software - Lufft - SmartGraph3
Version 3.4.5
Software - Lufft SmartView3
Version 2.7.5 - Password protected
Software - UMB Config Tool
Technical drawing of horizontal MARWIS bracket / Technische Zeichung horizontale MARWIS Magnethalterung
Technical drawing of horizontal MARWIS bracket / Technische Zeichung horizontale MARWIS Magnethalterung
Technical drawing of vertical MARWIS bracket / Technische Zeichung vertikale MARWIS Magnethalterung
Technical drawing of vertical MARWIS bracket / Technische Zeichung vertikale MARWIS Magnethalterung
User Manual - Lufft - MARWIS
Extended User Manual
User Manual - Ultrasonic Wind Sensor
Extended User Manual
Validation Study - Ultrasonic Wind Sensor VENTUS (EN)
Video - CHM15k: Applications with the Cloud Height Sensor CHM15k
Video - CHM15k: Technical Introduction of the Ceilometer CHM 15k
Video - Digital-Analog-Converter DACON8-UMB - Training
Video - IRS31: Calibration of the Road Sensor IRS31 - UMB
Video - IRS31Pro/ARS31Pro: Installation of Lufft Road Sensors IRS31Pro and ARS31
Video - IRS31Pro: Technical Webinar - Road sensor IRS31Pro - UMB
Video - Lufft: a passion for precision (Corporate Video)
Video - MARWIS CloudGate Tutorial - First Steps with the Data Gateway
Video - MARWIS in Action - Applications with the mobile road sensor
Video - MARWIS iPad App for mobile road sensor MARWIS
Video - MARWIS on Tour - The mobile weather sensor from Lufft - Product movie
Video - MARWIS Tutorial: From installation to start-up | First Steps
Video - NIRS31-UMB Produktfilm Kurzfassung/Product film short version
Video - NIRS31-UMB: Must-Know about contact - free road conditions measurements
Video - OTT - netDL - Configuration via SDI12 - OTT Pluvio² (EN)
Video - Rainmaker: Pictures of our RaiSi (Rain Simulator)
Video - SHM 30 Snow depth sensor Training
Video - Solar Monitoring: Webinar - Addressing Solar Monitoring Mystery – CAISO and Utility Meteorological Requirements
Video - UMB Analog Transmitter ANACON Training
Video Training - UMB Analog Transmitter ANACON
Video - UMB Config Tool - Workshop - Basics UMB Config Tool
Video - UMB Config Tool: How to Open a Bin file using UMB Configuration Tool
Video - UMB Config Tool: Software Features of the UMB Config Tool
Video - VENTUS - Produktfilm/Product film Lufft Ventus - UMB Wind Sensor
Video - Ventus: Cost Benefit Analysis for Replacement of Mechanical Turbine Control Wind Sensors
Video - Ventus: Easy Change of Wind Sensors on Wind Turbines - Windpower - WindBridge
Video - ViewMondo Tutorial: The Management Software for Road Weather Stations
Video - Wind & Weather market: Applications & Products on Wind and Weather markets - Klaus Hirzel
Video - WS product family - Integration of external sensors
Video - WS product family: 10 Years Lufft WS Product Family - A Success Story
Video - WS product family: Our modular concept of the WS-family
Video - XA1000: Faster than Fast | The Smartphone of Measurement Technology
Video - XC200 / XC250: The Must-Know about our new XC series of Lufft handheld devices
Whitepaper - Road Weather Selection Guide
The Whole World of Road Weather Monitoring