Meteorological Weather Station at River Bank of Bosna in Vranduk
Our Bosnian distributor ALEM Sistem d.o.o. supplied the hydropower plant of Vranduk with a meteorological station including a Lufft WS600 compact weather sensor for monitoring temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, wind direction and speed, precipitation intensity as well as quantity. This is necessary for the monitoring of meteorological data during the design of the dam. The system is capable of monitoring the behaviour and safety of the dam structure during construction, reservoir filling and operation. The station is located on the Bosna river's bank in close proximity to the plant, which is currently under construction.
WS600-UMB Smart Weather Sensor
Compact all-in-one weather sensor with measurement of temperature, relative humidity, precipitation intensity, precipitation type, precipitation quantity, air pressure, wind direction and wind speed.
Compact all-in-one weather sensor from the WS-Series. Measurement of temperature, relative humidity, precipitation intensity, precipitation type, precipitation quantity, air pressure, wind direction and wind speed.
- Temperature, relative humidity, precipitation intensity, precipitation type, precipitation quantity, air pressure, wind direction, wind speed
- Ultrasonic/Wind, NTC/T, Capacitive/RH, MEMS capacitive/Pressure, 24 GHz Doppler radar/Precipitation
- Wind detection with birdproof construction. Compact all-in-one weather sensor, low power, heater, aspirated radiation shield, maintenance-free operation, open communication protocol.
- RS485 with supported protocols UMB-Binary, UMB-ASCII, Modbus-RTU, Modbus-ASCII, XDR and SDI-12