RWIS Lite – Streamlined Road Weather Information Systems
Keeping roads and highways safe is critically important. In addition to autumn’s and winter’s perils, the increase of weather fluctuations and extreme weather events throughout the year pose further challenges to road decision-makers.
Filling the Gaps with Mobile Sensing and RWIS Lite Stations
Ideally, a dense network of road weather monitoring stations reliably provides accurate, hyper-local data. Wherever that is not feasible, be it due to local characteristics or tight budgets, mobile sensing and streamlined Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) can fill the gaps and ensure availability of essential weather and road surface information.
Individually Tailored Systems for Every Monitoring Challenge
On this page, we will present a growing base of success stories and resources around RWIS Lite installations. Check out tabs below for more information around RWIS Lite, such as blog articles, podcast episodes, and the OTT HydroMet guide on Road Weather Monitoring.
Our team of experienced project engineers and skilled technicians is there to explore individual solutions for your road weather monitoring challenge.
Explore RWIS Lite Solutions For You
Reliable Data. Confident Decisions. Safe Roads.
MARWIS - Mobile Advanced Road Weather Information Sensor
MARWIS is the first road and runway weather sensor detecting road conditions, temperatures, friction and other parameters mobile and in real time from driving vehicles.
MARWIS is the first road and runway weather sensor detecting road conditions, temperatures, friction and other parameters mobile in real time for vehicles.
- Road condition (dry, moist, wet, ice, snow, slush, chemically wet), road surface temperature, ambient temperature, water film height up to 6mm, dew point temperature, relative humidity, ice percentage, friction (calculated)
- Optical LED transmitters, photo receivers, pyrometer, infrared
- Mobile, plug and play, 100 measurements per second with max. output rate of 10Hz, multifunctional, real time thermal mapping, wireless data transfer
- Bluetooth, RS485, CAN-Bus
Non Invasive Road Sensor NIRS31-UMB
The NIRS31-UMB is a non-invasive road weather sensor with optical principle. It is mounted several meters above the ground and can even monitor bridges...
The NIRS31-UMB is a non-invasive road weather sensor with optical principle. It is mounted several meters above the ground and can even monitor bridges...
- Layer thickness of water, snow and ice, surface conditions (dry, damp, wet, snow, ice), friction, road surface temperature, saline concentration
- Optical principle, pyrometer
- non-invasive, easy to install and add to existing measurement networks, friction measurement, real time data providing
- UMB-binary, SDI-12, ASCII-UMB, analog outputs in combination with digital-analog-converter DACON8-UMB
ViewMondo - Road & Runway Management Software
ViewMondo, the flexible Lufft Road & Runway Management Software, that collects different types of data, checks the data for plausibility and evaluates data and recommendation out of the data in according to your needs!
ViewMondo, the flexible cloud based Lufft Road & Runway Management Software, that collects different types of data, checks the data for plausibility and evaluates data and recommendation out of the data in according to your needs!
WS500-UMB Smart Weather Sensor
Compact all-in-one weather sensor for measurement of temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, wind direction and wind speed.
Compact all-in-one weather sensor from the WS-Series. Measurement of temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, wind direction and wind speed.
- Temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, wind direction and wind speed
- Ultrasonic/Wind, NTC/T, Capacitive/RH, MEMS capacitive/Pressure
- Wind detection with birdproof construction. Compact all-in-one weather sensor, low power, heater, aspirated radiation shield, maintenance-free operation, open communication protocol
- RS485 with supported protocols UMB-Binary, UMB-ASCII, Modbus-RTU, Modbus-ASCII, XDR and SDI-12
WS600-UMB Smart Weather Sensor
Compact all-in-one weather sensor with measurement of temperature, relative humidity, precipitation intensity, precipitation type, precipitation quantity, air pressure, wind direction and wind speed.
Compact all-in-one weather sensor from the WS-Series. Measurement of temperature, relative humidity, precipitation intensity, precipitation type, precipitation quantity, air pressure, wind direction and wind speed.
- Temperature, relative humidity, precipitation intensity, precipitation type, precipitation quantity, air pressure, wind direction, wind speed
- Ultrasonic/Wind, NTC/T, Capacitive/RH, MEMS capacitive/Pressure, 24 GHz Doppler radar/Precipitation
- Wind detection with birdproof construction. Compact all-in-one weather sensor, low power, heater, aspirated radiation shield, maintenance-free operation, open communication protocol.
- RS485 with supported protocols UMB-Binary, UMB-ASCII, Modbus-RTU, Modbus-ASCII, XDR and SDI-12
Challenge, Solution, Benefits
- Challenge: Installing a full-blown station as a part of a Road Weather Information System (RWIS) requires many sensors and other technical components, which can be cost prohibitive. As a result, many places are left unmonitored.
- Solution: Using a combination of two, all-in-one sensors from OTT HydroMet can get a large array of data at a fraction of the cost. Typically, this combination includes a non-contact road surface sensor and a compact weather station. The versatile monitoring software ViewMondo rounds off this compact yet powerful package.
- Benefits: Less maintenance, labor, and costs required while still providing the data that they need allows the end customers to maintain their roads. This frees up personnel to tend to other areas where sensor technology may not be prevalent.
Case Studies & Resources
Case Studies: RWIS Lite
There are many possible applications for RWIS Lite installations. The cost-effective combination of two sensors that provide a wide range of valuable parameters can be used to fill data gaps, as a starting point for broader monitoring networks, or at special sites that require road surface and weather monitoring. Check out two examples in our RWIS Lite Case Studies.
Download: RWIS Lite Case Studies
Guide: Road Weather Monitoring
OTT HydroMet’s newest Road Weather Selection Guide explains how Lufft solutions, proven and trusted around the world, can help you stay prepared during winter weather events. Find valuable insights about the whole range of OTT HydroMet systems and sensors, used technologies, and inspiring success stories in one document.
Download: The Whole World Road Weather Monitoring
Podcast: RWIS Lite – Increasing Safety With Slim Road Weather Information Systems
In this episode, our road weather monitoring experts Brandon Ankney (USA) and Steven Marks (Germany) discuss ways to monitor road surface conditions and atmospheric properties cost-effectively. Discover the possibilities and limitations of RWIS Lite systems.
Listen the Podcast on RWIS Lite