Weather Forecasting under Extreme Conditions in Russia - Megafon Russia
The National Weather Service in Russia has about 1.800 weather stations which are distributed over the entire area of Russia. That's not enough to cover weather extremes everywhere. So the Russian National Weather Service wants to create a compression ratio of measurement points.
In order to achieve the budget targets, our customer decided to buy our all-in-one sensor WS600-UMB. According to the customer this product guarantees the highest accuracy. The first part of the monitoring network was developed in the far east of the country. 300 real-time stations operate reliably at continuous winter temperatures as low as -30°C.
Blog post about extreme conditions in Russia
Blog post about measurement technology in extreme conditions
WS600-UMB Smart Weather Sensor
Compact all-in-one weather sensor with measurement of temperature, relative humidity, precipitation intensity, precipitation type, precipitation quantity, air pressure, wind direction and wind speed.
Compact all-in-one weather sensor from the WS-Series. Measurement of temperature, relative humidity, precipitation intensity, precipitation type, precipitation quantity, air pressure, wind direction and wind speed.
- Temperature, relative humidity, precipitation intensity, precipitation type, precipitation quantity, air pressure, wind direction, wind speed
- Ultrasonic/Wind, NTC/T, Capacitive/RH, MEMS capacitive/Pressure, 24 GHz Doppler radar/Precipitation
- Wind detection with birdproof construction. Compact all-in-one weather sensor, low power, heater, aspirated radiation shield, maintenance-free operation, open communication protocol.
- RS485 with supported protocols UMB-Binary, UMB-ASCII, Modbus-RTU, Modbus-ASCII, XDR and SDI-12