Wind Sensors / Anemometers
The main applications of wind measurement are in the field of meteorology and industrial applications such as in wind turbine business. In order to design a profitable wind farm, the local wind conditions are measured to perform a detailed wind site assessment. Once the wind farm is set up and running, its best performance has to be ensured. Thus wind measurement does not stop with connecting the wind farm to the grid. Long service life, reliability and functionality under extreme conditions are the most important requirements in almost every application, which our sensors fulfil.
VENTUS-X-UMB Ultrasonic Wind Sensor with extended Heating
VENTUS-X: Additional transducer heater for most eXtreme environmental conditions! Extremely precise and maintenance-free measurement of wind speed and wind direction even in the lowest temperature
Additional transducer heater for most eXtreme environmental conditions! It measures wind speed and wind direction according to the WMO guideline and acquires the barometric pressure.
- Wind speed, wind direction, virtual temperature, barometric pressure
- Ultrasonic
- Ice-free operation in extreme freezing conditions due to additional transducer heater, maintenance-free measurement, suitable for extreme ambient conditions, vibration and seawater resistant, compatible interfaces
- SDI-12, RS-485, various RS-485-protocols, analogue output
VENTUS-UMB Ultrasonic Wind Sensor
Extremely precise and maintenance-free measurement of wind speed and wind direction even in the lowest temperature
Thanks to the ultrasonic measuring method the wind sensor Lufft Ventus has no moving parts and therefore needs almost no maintenance. It measures wind speed and wind direction according to the WMO guideline and acquires the barometric pressure.
- Wind speed, wind direction, virtual temperature, barometric pressure
- Ultrasonic
- Wind detection with birdproof construction, maintenance-free measurement, suitable for extreme ambient conditions, ice-free operation, vibration and seawater resistant, compatible interfaces
- SDI-12, RS-485 with supported protocols Binary, ASCII, NMEA, Modbus & analogue output
V200A Ultrasonic Wind Sensor
Extremely precise and maintenance-free measurement of wind speed and wind direction
Ultrasonic Wind Sensor, plastic housing and 20W-heater
- Wind speed, wind direction, virtual temperature, barometric pressure
- Ultrasonic
- Wind detection with birdproof construction, maintenance-free measurement, suitable for extreme ambient conditions, ice-free operation, compatible interfaces
- SDI-12, RS-485, various RS-485-protocols, analogue output