The following pages offer diverse examples of projects that we have accomplished with our customers around the world. Different examples from a variety of countries and applications will give you an idea of how requirements of customers and measuring sites have been transformed into professional solutions. To achieve this, we work in close cooperation with our customers to best tailor a solution to meet their data needs and the site requirements and add in our many years of expertise in the form of experienced sales engineers, experts in specialized application areas, and professional project management for a successful project implementation. We would be happy to publish your project! To submit, please contact us
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Integrated road weather systems for effective driver messaging

The North Dakota Department of Transportation (DOT) in partnership with OTT HydroMet and Haas developed a complete solution for effective messaging in a notoriously difficult weather corridor.
Show ProjectRWIS Lite – Streamlined Road Weather Information Systems

Keeping roads and highways safe is a critically important. RWIS Lite can fill dangerous gaps. Discover the possibilities and limitations of RWIS Lite systems.
Show ProjectCity of Solingen shares weather and street data with its citizens

The weather directly impacts city life. Long warm spells create heat islands, and in winter the risk of accidents increases. The city authorities must find ways to inform, warn, and guide its citizens to mitigate these effects.
Show ProjectPreventing Rails From Heat-Induced Deformation

On-going heat periods can cause rails to expand above their limits. They start to deform and even derail trains. UK's Network Rail uses Lufft WS601 weather sensors for its new weather monitoring network.
Show ProjectSmartly Fighting Slickness on Slopes

Slopes are among the most dangerous places in road traffic. On this ramp in Zürich, a simple yet effective system monitors the road condition – while saving Migros costs and energy.
Show ProjectMeeting Safety Standards at Hamburg Airport

As the first German airport, Hamburg Airport meets the new standard ICAO Global Reporting Format with OTT HydroMet systems.
Show ProjectRetrofitting Caltrans' RWIS

How Caltrans has replaced old road weather stations with new equipment from the Lufft brand.
Show ProjectVS2k visibility sensor and L-LAB in Lippstadt

Research project for better headlamps in fog
Show ProjectKNMI purchased 50 units of CHM15k "NIMBUS"

Between 2016-2019 the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute has purchased and installed 50 of Lufft CHM15k ceilometers.
Show ProjectNew network of weather stations in Sheffield

OTT HydroMet is installing fifteen automatic weather stations as part of the University of Sheffield’s Urban Flows Observatory, which is led by the Departments of Civil and Structural Engineering, and Automatic Control and Systems Engineering (ACSE). The monitoring sites are conveniently located at Sheffield schools, and data from the stations will contribute to the project’s wider environmental monitoring objectives which include the free publication of data.
Show ProjectMARWIS Mobile Sensor Makes Tahiti Airport Safer

Since January 2019, Tahiti Faa'a International Airport has been using MARWIS to determine water film heights.
Show ProjectRussian weather service relies on Lufft weather sensors

On the recommendation of the Russian Lufft partner Meteo-Sensor, the Hydro-Meteorological Center of Russia in Moscow recently installed an automatic weather station equipped with Lufft sensors.
Show ProjectTest drives with the mobile sensor MARWIS at Eindhoven Airport, NL

Air force keeps Eindhoven Airport snow-free with the help of state-of-the-art sensor technology from Lufft
Show ProjectJSC Alyuminiy Kazakhstan in Pawlodar uses WS600 to monitor air quality

Interesting project from Kazakhstan where the Lufft all-in-one weather sensor WS600 helps to avoid exhaust fumes to enter a city.
Show ProjectAthens International Airport (AIA) uses MARWIS to monitor runway

Thanks to our Greek sales partner, the Mobile Sensor MARWIS is now in use at the Intl. Airport in Athens
Show ProjectLarge PV Monitoring Projects in Brazil and Australia

Several large BIOSAR solar plants in Brazil and Australia are monitored by Lufft weather sensors
Show ProjectCeilometer Network "ALICEnet"

ALICEnet is a network of monitoring stations operated by Italian research institutions and environmental authorities with the mission of improving the multidisciplinary use of environmental data.
Show ProjectLufft Wins Road Weather Tender in Estonia

The system integrator Teede Tehnokeskus installed six new road weather stations equipped with Lufft technology along state roads in Estonia.
Show ProjectLufft Snow Depth Sensor SHM31 in Use During Audi FIS Ski World Cup in 2019

The Lufft snow depth sensor SHM31 was in use during the Ski World Cup of the International Ski Federation (FIS) in Adelboden, Switzerland from January 11 to 12, 2019.
Show ProjectSeveral Lufft CHM 15k ceilometer projects in India

The Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology has deployed Lufft CHM 15k ceilometers for several research studies.
Show ProjectModernization of ITS on the Querétaro motorway, Mexico

Our Mexican Partner Ingeniería Geofísica y Sistema S.A. de C.V. (IGS) won a project of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (SCT) for the modernization and installation of new Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) along federal bridges and highways in Querétaro, Mexico.
Show ProjectLufft WS100 precipitation sensor helps with construction work in Dublin

Datum Monitoring Group installed two Lufft WS100 precipitation sensors and Leica flagship MS60 Multistations in Dublin for Walls Construction, Ireland's leading construction company.
Show ProjectMobile Sensor MARWIS Supports Efficient De-Icing of Aircrafts

MeteoGroup uses the road and runway sensor MARWIS for the improvement of airplane de-icing processes at Schiphol Airport.
Show ProjectOTT Pluvio² L in use for a research project in Antarctica

Close to McMurdo Station in Antarctica, researchers from the University of Colorado, Boulder and the National Center for Atmospheric Research are investigating methods to measure the accumulating snowfall in the harsh Antarctic environment. These measurements are important to better understand the potential for sea level rise in the future due to climate change.
Show ProjectAlert system for heavy rainfall inaugurated in Bavarian municipality

Adelsdorf - a municipality 40 km north of Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany - recently got access to the first storm alert system measuring precipitation, pressure and water levels throughout Bavaria.
Show ProjectSpectroscopic surface sensor StaRWIS monitors FSK Bridge in Maryland

In February 2018, Communication Electronics installed the contactless surface sensor StaRWIS on the FSK Bridge and it has delivered satisfying results ever since...
Show ProjectStaRWIS installation in St. Gallen, Switzerland

In the beginning of 2018, the Swiss city St. Gallen was equipped with a state-of-the-art road weather monitoring system...
Show ProjectRWIS in Geislingen, South Germany helps to make the traffic safer

The South German City Geislingen installed a road weather system in beginning 2016 consisting of Lufft weather sensors and evaluated by the monitoring software ViewMondo
Show ProjectLufft weather sensors in Taichung Central Park Taiwan

The new developing Taichung Central Park in Taiwan was equipped with more than 100 weather stations including the Lufft multiparameter weather sensors WS500 and WS502.
Show ProjectLufft Rain Gauge & Weather Sensor at Miriam College in Quezon, Philippines

Project at a college in Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines including a WS501 and WTB100 rain gauge carried out by our Philippine partner East Asia Technologies Corporation.
Show ProjectHydro-Met Station with WTB100 and WS501 in Malaysia

Success story of our Malaysian sales partner from TCK e-solutions Sdn Bhd installing a hydro-met station for the Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia. Read the whole story in the linked project description...
Show ProjectOld container, new station: WS600 part of air quality measurement system in Kutaisi

An air quality measurement station including a Lufft WS600 all-in-one weather sensor was installed by our local system integrator ELKO LLC in Kutaisi, Georgia in May 2017. Find more details in the project description...
Show ProjectVENTUS-X-UMB field test in Norway

In a project, launched in January 2016, the Norwegian airport systems integrator Avinor has tested a new VENTUS-UMB model with an enhanced heating power. Find out, how the sensor has performed...
Show ProjectMeteorological data monitoring at photo-voltaic power plants in the US

The Imperial Valley Solar Company has built the largest photo-voltaic power plant of the USA and the Lufft WS500- and WS503-UMB compact weather sensors are an important part of this project. Another large project in the US was the solar plant installation at the Regional Training Institute of the National Guard in Fort Pickett, Virginia.
Show ProjectLufft WS200 wind sensors on a research station in the Antarctica

In 2011 Lufft sales partner American Traffic from Argentina won a tender to equip an research station in the Antarctica with Lufft wind sensors. The Orcadas station exists since 1903 and is the oldest one which is still in operation. It serves continental glaciology, seismology, sea-ice-zone glaciology (since 1985) and meteorological observations (since 1903).
Show ProjectLufft ceilometers used in large meteo networks of DWD & KNMI

In 2015, two big tenders were won by Lufft – one from the “KNMI” (Dutch Royal Weather Service), and the other one from the biggest German Weather Service “DWD” (“Deutscher Wetterdienst”). Both of them were looking for a cloud height sensor capable of measurements up to 12 kilometers into the sky.
Show ProjectLufft Snow Height Sensor SHM30 at ICIMOD-Station in Yala Glacier, Nepal

Three of twelve meteo stations Langtang Valley, Himalayas, Nepal are equipped with Lufft SHM30 snow depth sensors. The solar-powered measurement sites deliver information for glaciological, meteorological, and hydrological fieldwork.
Show ProjectMeteorological Weather Station at River Bank of Bosna in Vranduk

Our Bosnian distributor ALEM Sistem d.o.o. supplied the hydropower plant of Vranduk with a meteorological station including a Lufft WS600 compact weather sensor for monitoring temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, wind direction and speed, precipitation intensity as well as quantity.
Show ProjectWeather- and Runway Observation for airports / Aviation Weather / Airport Weather (AWOS)

The Lufft sensors from the WS-product family are in operation on airports worldwide for real time weather observations. Moreover, the active and passive road- / runway sensors (IRS31-UMB and the ARS31-UMB) are in use on the runways for measurement of water film height or road surface temperature and freezing temperature, for example.
Show ProjectMobile weather sensor MARWIS in operation on airports - Italy

The mobile weather sensor MARWIS is succesfully in operation on several airports in Italy, like Airport Bergamo BGY, Airport Venedig, Airport Triest and others.
Show ProjectGerman Winter Service / Winter Maintenance trusts in Mobile Road Weather Sensor MARWIS

The following two examples show, that many German Winter Service / Winter Maintenance trusts in Mobile Road Weather Sensor MARWIS...
Show ProjectRoad Weather information Network (ARWIS) with open system architecture - USA / Michigan MDOT

End of 2012 Lufft USA won the bid for the installation of 20 new ARWIS systems (ice warning systems) for Upper Peninsula in Michigan. The acceptance of the bid resulted not only from the price evaluation of the available deals, it was also rated the technical solution.
Show ProjectRoad Weather Information System network (RWIS) in Russia / Motorway M5 Ural

The Russian route M5 (also known as the Ural Highway) is a major trunk road running across a distance of 1879 km from Moscow to the Ural Mountains. In a long-term project 98 road weather information stations (RWIS) will be installed along this motorway by our partner OJSC Moscow Roads. 42 RWIS stations are already in operation.
Show ProjectIce Warning Systems, Austria - AMS Helfenberg - Federal State of Upper Austria

Lufft UMB-technology in state-wide winter maintenance monitoring network. The Federal Government of Upper Austria operates a state-wide monitoring network of approximately 100 ice warning stations. Lufft UMB technology is used as part of an upgrading and expansion process. So far, more than 50 UMB systems including IRS31-UMB, ARS31-UMB, WS600-UMB and R2S devices have been installed.
Show ProjectInstallation of 73 Ice Warning Stations (RWIS) in the Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic we installed with our general partner ChanGroup s.r.o. 73 ice warning systems. The systems usually consist of our ultrasonic wind sensor Ventus-UMB, the radar rain-sensors R2S-UMB, color cameras as well as one active and one passive road sensor (IRS31-UMB and ARS31-UMB). At a few stations you can also find our "all-in-one" weather stations from the WS-family.
Show ProjectWind measurement with High Speed Train operations, China

The compact weather stations WS500-UMB and WS600-UMB from Lufft provides reliable wind measurements along high speed rail lines in China. As the trains travel at speeds of up to 400 km/h, wind speed-dependent control of train speeds is essential. For this purpose, wind measurement stations like the WS500-UMB and WS600-UMB are installed at 5 km intervals along the track. Measurement data are processed in real time.
Show ProjectWeather Measurement in Extreme Conditions - Whistler Mountain

Whistler Blackcomb mountain is a premiere winter resort in British Columbia Canada. Some months ago our team installed the first Ventus-UMB ultrasonic anemometer atop a main ski lift on the Whistler mountain. The first winter storm passed leaving the entire mountain and all mechanical equipment covered in snow and ice... except the Ventus-UMB.
Show ProjectWeather Monitoring network equipped with Lufft wind sensor VENTUS

In 2010 we won a tender for 30 ultrasonic anemometers (as a part of meteorological weather stations). The National Weather Service of Mexico (CONAGUA) wanted to build weather stations in the southwest of Mexico (States of Chiapas and Tabasco). According to the customer, Ventus-UMB is a very robust, yet precise sensor with a very good price / performance ratio. Moreover, data transmission via the SDI-12 protocol is in the opinion of CONAGUA a great product advantage. So the customer decided to construct the stations with our product.
Show ProjectMeteorological Network of weather stations trusts in Lufft Sensors in Italy

Between 2009 and beginning of 2010 a huge meteo measurement network with more than 100 stations were build in the north and middle of Italy (Emilia Romagna, Ligurien, Toscana). The aim of the project was the extensively coverage for measurement of all important environmental data such as temperature, humidity, rain fall, wind speed and wind direction.
Show ProjectSmart Solar Monitoring / PV Monitoring with Smart Weather Sensors

Our all-in-one weather stations are integrated into many Smart Solar Monitoring / PV Monitoring systems and provides measurement datas for temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, wind direction and wind speed.
Show ProjectWind energy in Norway - Icing of wind sensors? Not with the ultrasonic wind sensor VENTUS!

Renewable energy in Norway is getting more and more important! The government has spent the goal that the use of renewable energy should increase strongly over the next years. Wind power plays a major role in this endeavor. Norway is climatically and topographically one of the most interesting locations for wind energy in Europe - but it is barely tapped by now. Our customer, the power company "Nordkraft Vind" wanted to change this and therefore built the wind farm "Nygardsfjellet" in the region Narvik.
Show ProjectUltrasonic Wind Sensor for Smart Wind Turbine Control - Polaris / USA

The American wind turbine manufacturer Polaris trusts for their wind turbine applications anemometers from Lufft. Over 50 wind turbines have already been equipped with our ultrasonic anemometers Ventus-UMB and V200A-UMB.
Show ProjectAgMet - Monitoring of microclimate weather in wine yards- Hungary

Winegrowers in Pécs, Hungary's fifth largest city, rely on Lufft. The all-in-one sensor WS600-UMB measures all relevant meteorological data at the place of installation. Based on the results, far-reaching decisions can be taken.
Show ProjectBuilding Automation - Smart Lufft-Sensor on Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC) in Athens

In Athens the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC), which was designed by Renzo Piano, is built. It will host the the National Library of Greece and the Greek National Opera. We are part of this actual largest buliding project in Greece in form of a WS601-UMB compact weather sensor.
Show ProjectMexico - HydroMet Calibration Vehicle with WS501 weather station on board - IGS Hydro

The Office of Meteorology and Hydrology in Mexico equipped a vehicle with measurement technology for verification of their Hydro-Met stations. We are proud that they decided to choose our smart WS501 compact weather station (All-in-one) for measurement of the meteorlogical parameters.
Show ProjectEnergy-saving in the holiday paradise: The Constance Hotels and Resorts rely on WS504

The Constance Hotels & Resorts have sites in Mauritius, in the Seychelles and the Maldives. There, the operators mounted automatic weather stations including the weather sensor WS504 and the precipitation meter WTB100 from Lufft for a special purpose...
Show ProjectWeather monitoring at German Landfills

According to the Landfill Regulation and Federal Emission Law in Germany it is mandatory on landfills to monitor weather data such as temperature, precipitation, evaporation, wind direction and speed. This is not only good for environmental protection purposes but also for the residents nearby. In this regard two new Lufft weather stations and one Lufft wind sensor were set up recently in Hamberg and Esslingen.
Show ProjectWeather measurement during FIFA Confederations Cup 2013 / FIFA World Cup 2014 - Brazil

The compact weather station WS301-UMB is part of a mobile station for measurement and monitoring of climate measurements during the FIFA Confederations Cup 2013 and the FIFA World Cup 2014 in Brazil. All soccer stadiums that took part on the FIFA Confederations Cup were already equipped with this stations.
Show ProjectWeather Philippines - Weather Warning Service with Lufft WS502-UMB

WeatherPhilippines Foundation, Inc. (WPF) aims to deliver critical and accurate weather information to aid local governments, communities, and individuals in disaster preparedness and timely response to variable weather conditions. WPF has deployed more than 400 Automated Weather Stations (AWS) across the country, and intends to install 600 more with the help of private sponsors and site partners who would like to participate in this cause.
Show ProjectMeasurement of fine dust in combination with Lufft weather sensors

Our compact weather stations are part of monitoring stations for measurement of fine dust, manufactured by our customers Grimm Aerosol Technik GmbH and PALAS. The fine dust measurement stations have proved a success the world over. The Lufft compact weather stations WS300-UMB, WS500-UMB, WS600-UMB are used for monitoring of climate data. Thanks to the Lufft sensors the stations will not only deliver data about particle matter and the GPS location but also provide meteorological information.
Show ProjectWeather Forecasting under Extreme Conditions in Russia - Megafon Russia

The National Weather Service in Russia has about 1.800 weather stations which are distributed over the entire area of Russia. That's not enough to cover weather extremes everywhere. So the Russian National Weather Service wants to create a compression ratio of measurement points.
Show Project7th Largest Wind Farm Replaces Mechanical for Ventus Ultrasonic Sensors

Summary of how Performance Engineer at AES, Tristan Lee, was able to optimize the performance of its aging fleet using latest in technology, that includes the Lufft Ventus Ultrasonic Wind Speed and Wind Direction Sensor.
Show ProjectKNMI - Field test of the Lufft / Jenoptik SHM30 laser snow depth sensor

Field test report of the Lufft / Jenoptik SHM30 laser snow depth sensor, conducted by Netherlands weather service KNMI.
Show Project